
Saturday, March 26, 2011

yoga help to loose body weight

If we practice yoga regularly then we can get innumerable health benefits. Yoga is an efficient way to get relief from stress and it’s also beneficial to stabilize our mind. Yoga is an important key of healthy life. Yoga is full of positive energy which helps us to keep our body and mind in our control. If we are continue to involve himself in yoga, we will automatically notice the positive changes that it brings in our body. If we want to lose our weight Yoga help us to do it perfectly and smoothly without any side effect.

Some yoga postures and types which can prove beneficial to lose weight. Take help of a good yoga practitioner to teach these, proper training  and right way to practice  will help us to avoid injuries while practicing yoga and it’s very fruitful for health.  

There are some yoga techniques that can help to lose weight.

Sit on the floor with legs stretched legs straight and palms on the floor by the sides of the hips. Deeply inhale and while exhaling bend forward and hold the big toes by corresponding hands, and keep the face on the knees. Take a few normal breaths. now, inhale come up, release the hands and be in normal sitting posture.


    * Tones up the abdominal organs and keeps them free from sluggishness
    * Tones the kidney, rejenuates the spine
    * Improves digestion
    * Decreases excess weight around the belly
    * Due to extra stretch given to the pelvic region more oxygenated blood is supplied
       and the gonads receive sufficient nutrition
    * This helps to cure impotency and is also useful for sex control
    * Helps in spiritual attainment
    * Tones the nerves supplying the pelvic organs and arising from the lumber sacral region of the spine


* People suffering from slip disc should not practice this asana
* People suffering from severe back ache should not practice this during pregnancy and menstruation

Stand erectly joining the toes, and hands on either side of the body. Vision should be forward. Inhaling , spread the right leg to the right side and simultaneously spread the hands to both sides, along the height of the shoulders. As you exhale, bend towards the right and hold the big toe of right leg by three fingers of the right hand. Look at the left palm and breathe for a few times. Now, inhale , come up keep the hands on respective sides and look forward. Repeat the same process on your left side.


    * This asana tones the entire nervous system, specially the spinal nerves
    * It systematically revitalizes the whole body
    * It improves digestion, stimulating the appetite
    * Activates intestinal peristalsis
    * Strengthens the pelvic area and tones reproductory organs
    * Regular practice decreases intestinal fat
    * Practice of this asana improves stiffness of legs
    * Cures constipation
    * Corrects minor deformities of joints of legs
    * Relieve from backache and neck sprain
    * Strengthens the ankle and leg muscles


    * People with stiff muscles should take adequate precautions while performing this asana

  Start standing in Tadasana (straight in upright position), with feet together or hip distance apart. You may bend your legs slightly if your muscles or your spine are really tight. Now inhale and raise your arms forward parallel and up to line alongside your ears, with fingers pointing up and palms facing in. Exhale and bend from your hips, stretching arms and torso forward to a tabletop position, arms in line with your ears. Hold for two or three breaths before stretching downward on an exhalation. Keep arms alongside your ears and keep spine extended as much as possible. Place your hands wherever you can reach on   your legs; if your can, take hold of your ankles or place hands on the ground. Hold in this position for two or three breaths. On an exhalation, draw your head in toward your legs, using your arms to assist you as your elbows open out to the sides and your spine rounds over legs. Hold, and then reverse your path taken into the pose, pausing for one breath at each stage of the forward bend. If you want to do the dynamic version of this pose, on an inhalation immediately reverse the path followed into the posture.


* Uttanasana is stretching pose that provides exercise to legs, hips, thighs, and spine
    as well. It  stimulates the liver and kidneys and Improves digestion.
* It also calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression, reduce fatigue
    and anxiety. It helps women to relieve the symptoms of menopause.
* It is effective in various disorders like; asthma, high blood pressure, infertility,
   Osteoporosis and sinusitis.


If you have back injury do this pose with some modifications like you can bend your knees, or rest your hands on the wall, legs perpendicular to your torso, and arms parallel to the floor.


The first step would be to lie flat on the back. Then, with the help of your hands, lift your legs up into air. The position of the hands should be such that it should be on the lower back. Make sure that your elbows and lower arms rest on the ground. The weight of your body should be on your shoulders and from mid to upper back, but not on the neck. Once you have attained the desired posture, hold at the posture and breath deeply for 5 to 10 minutes. Increase the duration of holding the posture, gradually, over time. At the time of coming down, slowly lower your legs. In the process, do not forget to keep them straight. This would mean a little workout for your abdominal muscles as well. Make sure that in the process of doing the asana you face no jerks. For the beginners, it is not possible to attain the correct posture, as the abdominal muscles are not strong enough. In that case, the best bet would be to allow the legs to come forward towards the face. To attain best results, performing Matsyasana immediately after it.

    * Helps in proper thyroid functioning
    * Strengthening of abdomen
    * Stretches upper back
    * Increases blood circulation
    * Encourages relaxation
    * Accentuates the flow of blood and energy to the brain
    * Stimulates mental functions
    * Enhances memory and concentration
    * Relieve from some headaches
    * Cures dyspepsia, constipation, appendicitis, other gastro-intestinal disorders and
    * Supplies large quantity of blood to the spinal roots of the nerves
    * Stops loss of hair or premature graying
    * Enhances facial complexion
    * Helps alleviate rheumatism
    * Cures malfunctioning of the sexual organs
    * Sublimes emotions of depression and neurasthenia
    * Treats problems of insomnia


There are some specific requirements for an aspirant to perform Ardha Sarvangasana. He/she should be in the best of health, before trying the asana. People suffering from cervical spondylitis, low back pain, inflammation of the throat, blocked sinuses and high blood pressure should not perform the asana. Also, people with heavy hips should not attempt the asana, as the entire weight of the body is borne by the shoulder blade.


Stand straight and balance your body weight on both your legs properly. Now, give mountain pose to both your feet together and hands at the side. Try keep your feet your feet 4 feet apart. Balance your body properly Now turn your right foot about 45 degrees to the left. Hold on this position. Then try to rotate your left foot 90 degrees to the left, so that it is positioned directly to the side. Now try to bend your left knee until your thigh becomes parallel to the ground Make sure you keep your knee either behind or directly over the ankle. Hold and balance yourself at this posture. Now gradually raise your arms over your head After you have both your hands straight upwards, gradually pull down your left arm and bring it parallel to the ears and pointing ahead. Make sure while your left hand is pointing forward, your right hand takes a posture aiming back. Now develop your focus on a particular point in front of you and breathe gradually. Take approximately 5 deep breaths at this position. Gradually bring your hands and legs to the normal position. Repeat few times.

    *  Virabhadrasana brings flexibility to the entire body.
    * It helps in strengthening the lower torso and stimulates abdominal organs.
    * It also teaches your body balancing and coordination of body parts.
    * It also improves circulation and respiration process in the body.
    * Virabhadrasana is also good for improving concentration.
    * It also improves posture and energizes the entire body.
    * It is beneficial in carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and
* Virabhadrasana is known to increase stamina.

Avoid Virabhadrasana if you had a recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees, back or shoulders. Patients of hypertension should also not perform this Asana. Do not perform Virabhadrasana if you are suffering from diarrhea. People with spondylitis and slip disc should also not perform Virabhadrasana.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Uddiyana Bandha

There are a few important points to remember when beginning the practice of Uddiyana Bandha: perform it only on an empty stomach, and only after an exhalation, never before an inhalation. During the time you hold the bandha, also perform Jalandhara Bandha. Most experts recommend that you learn this bandha in a standing position, and only move to sitting after you've gained some experience. Similarly, wait until you've been sitting for a while before using this bandha during pranayama. T.K.V. Desikachar suggests that Uddiyana can also be learned in a supine reclining position (see the Variation section below).
Stand with your feet slightly apart, eyes open. Different experts have different ideas about the proper way to perform this bandha. Here are four possibilities:
i) Practice with your torso rounded forward, knees bent, hands resting on your knees.
ii) Learn the bandha first with your torso rounded forward and then, after getting some experience, practice the bandha standing upright, hands on hips.
iii) Practice throughout with your torso upright.
iv) Start the practice with your torso rounded forward, perform Uddiyana Bandha, and then stand upright, with your hands on your hips (Iyengar).
Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale quickly and forcibly, also through your nose (or pursed lips). Contract your abdominal muscles fully to push as much air as possible out of your lungs. Then relax your abdominals.
Perform what's called a "mock inhalation"; that is, expand your rib cage (thorax) as if you were inhaling, but don't actually inhale. The expansion of the rib cage (without the inhalation) sucks the abdominal muscles and viscera up into the thorax and hollows the belly (some teachers say to actively but slowly lift abdominals, or navel, toward the spine). Because you should always perform Jalandhara Bandha along with Uddiyana Bandha, come into Jalandhara Bandha at this point.
Hold the bandhas for five to 15 seconds. Then slowly release the abdominal grip and inhale normally. Perform three to 10 rounds, depending on your capacity, with one or more normal breaths between each round.

1. This breathing practice can be strenuous and energizing.
2. It tones, cleanses and massages the internal digestive organs- leading to healthier digestion.
3. In yoga, engaging this bandha increases the power of the core. Thus, it becomes easier to hold many postures such as balancing postures like Ardha chandrasana- balancing half-moon and arm balances like bakasana- crow pose.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Surya Namaskar means greeting or bowing the sun. Usually all sessions of Yoga asanas begin with the 'Surya Namaskar' or sun salutation. It nourishes and energizes the upper part of the body.

'Utthan' means to raise up and 'Pada' means legs. In this posture the legs are lifted upwards. It strengthens the spinal code and removes disorders of the back. 

Paschimothan Asana also known as touching toes posture, means stretching the back. It brings flexibility and corrects disorders of the spine.  

'Bhujanga' means serpent or snake. This asana is named after the king of the snakes, Cobra. It provides a youthful appearance and for women, makes child birth easy. 

'Salabha' or locust is a type of grass hopper. It is a reverse of cobra posture. It is strenuous and can be practiced in parts at the initial stage. It favourably activates all the organs of the lower part of the body.  

'Sarva' means all and 'Anga' means body, so Sarvanga is the posture of the whole body. As the whole body weight in this posture rests on the shoulders, it is also called 'Shoulder Stand Posture'. It is a purifying, nourishing and energizing asana beneficial to the whole body. 

Matsya Asana is so called because in its perfect posture, one is supposed to float like a fish in water. It is beneficial to perform this asana after Sarvanga Asana. It has corrective effects for the neck and shoulder troubles.

The body form in this asana resembles a bow or 'dhanur'. It is one of the best asana for activating and strengthening the joints of the body. It has some special benefits for women.

The plow or Hala Asana is an extreme forward bending exercise. It has some excellent benefits and occupies a very prominent place in asanas. It is a unique asana for gaining sexual powers. 

'Shava Asana' means posture of a dead body. Also known as 'Yoga Nidra' which means yogic method of sleep. It is an asana which claims to provide a satisfactory relaxation of both the body and the mind. 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama for Health & Healing

Kapalbhati is a highly energizing abdominal breathing exercise. Kapal  means forehead and Bhati means shining.Everyday who Practicing Kapalbhati leads to shining face with inner radiance. It Should be practiced empty stomach or 3-4 hours after meal (people with high blood pressure must not do it).Sit in a comfortable crossed leg posture, sukasana (using padmasana or vajrasana is the best) and keep your back straight. Rest your hands on the knees using gyana mudra or chin mudra.Inhale deeply trough your nose, this will expand you abdomen.Exhale using a great force so that your abdominal muscles contract to the maximum These exhalations are similar to your breath outs, but they should be forceful,Make sure while exhaling, the air should be pushed out of your lungs by contracting the diaphragm,After exhalation again do inhalation, but this time with out any effort. To do this just relax your lungs, they will automatically expand and fill with air,One cycle of Kapalabhati pranayama include one deep inhalation, then forceful exhalation and an effortless inhalation.A learner can practise up to three rounds, each with 15 exhalations. Small breaks between each round are allowed dominant inhalation through nostrils which results contraction of abdominal muscles and proper aeration to blood circulationSo in Kapalbhati more attention is to be given on act of forceful exhalation while the inhalation is passive, Silent and short, during abdominal contraction force is applied to the Manipura, Swadhisthan and muladhar chakra.Healthy person can practice it 10-15 minutes regularly.Patients with obesity, Vitiligo, leukaemias, breast carcinoma, Fallopian tube blockage, hepatitis etc. should practice it 20 minutes to half hour twice daily.In Kap-albhati while exhaling you are throwing all negative thoughts out and while breathing in all the positive thoughts get way to enter in mind, this makes mental wellbeing. Kapalbhati stimulates pancreas to release insulin thereby helps to control diabetes mellitus.By improving liver and spleenic functions it presents and cures hepatitis (A.B.C), Cirrhosis of liver and Anaemias. If done regularly it relieves constipation, acidity and anorexia etc.Regularize endocrine and exocrine systems being helpful in regulation of all glandular secretions it is highly effective in azoospermia, oligospermia and fallopian tube blockage etc.It also helps in eradicating cysts and tumours.The most common cause of backpain includes improper posture, weak muscles, emotional stress and psychological disturbances. Not only weak back muscles but weak abdominal muscles are the major cause of backache, especially it is compounded by protruding belly. A Distended abdomen pulls the buck forward, distorting spinal alignment and stretching the back-muscle resulting in spasm. Muscular spasms are also caused and aggregated by emotional stress Now how ''Kapalbhati'' helps in relieving backache is explained as Strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen.Maintain and increase the flexibility of the muscle ligaments and tendons.  It improves posture. Increase bone density and strength.Kaplabhati helps in blood purification which provides glorious and lustrous skin. It also helps in curing skin disorder like psoriasis, eczema. Vitiligo, leucoderma etc. Thus, Kapalbhati prevents disorder and treats a wide range of physical as well as mental disorder but it should be practiced with rest.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Naadi Shodhana Pranayama

      Naadi shodhana means cleansing of channels in body. This Pranayama is helps by increasing the supply of oxygen in blood. This will relieve tension and refresh the whole body.

The Method:

  1. Sit in padmashan

  2. Sit straight with the back perpendicular to ground. Now bend your head forward so that chin touches the upper chest between collar bones. This is Jaaladar Bandha.

  3. Hold the fingers of left hand in jnana mudra. Rest the wrist on the left knee without bending the arms. Close your eyes.

  4. Form a fist of the right hand, open the thumb, ring finger and little finger. These will be used to close and control the breath in and out of right and left nostrils.

  5. Close the left nostril with the right hand ring finger and control the outlet of right nostril with right hand thumb. The nostril opening should be touched and conrolled by the right thumb.

  6. Exhale through the right nostril slowly and completely. The passage of air should be felt only upto the right palm. You should not force the air out hard.

  7. Now start inhaling in a slow and steady manner through the right nostril and completely fill in the lungs. The opening of right nostril would be controlled by right thumb. The left nostril is completely closed by the right hand ring finger and little finger.

  8. Once the lungs are full, close the right nostril using thumb. Release the ring and little finger so that left nostril is opened. Start Exhaling slowly and steadily till the lungs are emptied. Make sure you are not forcing out the air hard, it should be slow and steady. The time take to inhale should be the time taken to exhale.

  9. One pair inhalation through right nostril and exahalation through left nostril, Completes this pranayama. You could inhale using the same nostrils you have exhaled after each cycle so that there is no stain on heart or breathlessness.

  10. Repeat the cycle for 6 to 8 times.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Asana And Pranayama

As per my knowledge  Yoga, Asana does not mean a specific posture, but means sitting. It means, mainly, sitting for meditation. Asana means a meditative seat.The way in which you sit for meditation should be such that the body is motionless and steady and it should not cause any discomfort to the body; otherwise, it cannot be maintained for a long time.When the posture is comfortable that you can maintain it for a long life.Maintaining the Asana for a long time is of paramount importance to facilitate proper meditation. Yoga is science and it help to prepare the person for meditation physically and mentally.So, a comfortable posture is a very important thing.Each Yoga teacher likes to think that he has discovered many of these forgotten postures and so there are Yoga teachers who have produced books containing 200 postures, 250 postures and so on.As per basic Yogasana book has mentioned this fact steady posture, the practitioner develops Titiksha, the power of endurance.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Follow this tips when practicing yoga poses

* Which appropriate to your mood and energy level,always choose that. * Begin with gentler poses and work up to stronger ones. * Breathe evenly through the nose throughout the postures. * Never rush into and out of a pose. * Never strain in a pose - if it hurts, stop. * Don't habitually practice in front of a mirror. Focus on how the pose feels, not what it looks like. * The postures should be both steady and soft.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tip's For Beginner

If you decide for yoga, you may want to take a few practical classes to learn the basic poses. Otherwise it's not to good for your health,because every person don't know the perfect process of yoga.Take a few beginner's classes to learn the poses and avoid the risk of injury. Now there are many great yoga books and videos available, there is no substitute from learning directly from a good teacher in a yoga class. So find a class and let books and videos be a supplement.
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Everyday if we practice Yoga, it help us to cure from or protect from
  1. acidity ,
  2. allergies,
  3. alzheimer disease,
  4. anemia,
  5. anger,
  6. anxiety,
  7. arthritis,
  8. asthma,
  9. back pain,
  10. bronchitis,
  11. cancer,
  12. nervous tension,
  13. obesity,
  14. osteoporosis,
  15. prostate,
  16. enlargement,
  17. sciatica,
  18. skin problems,
  19. sleep apnea,
  20. slipped disk,
  21. sterility,
  22. stiffness,
  23. stress,
  24. insomnia carpal tunnel syndrome,
  25. chronic fatigue,
  26. colitis,
  27. common cold,
  28. constipation,
  29. depression,
  30. diabetes,
  31. epilepsy,
  32. eye problems,
  33. facial wrinkles,
  34. gastrointestinal disorders,
  35. headaches,
  36. heartburn,
  37. hemorrhoids,
  38. hepatitis,
  39. high blood pressure,
  40. hypertension,
  41. immune-deficiency,
  42. impotence,
  43. menopause,
  44. menstrual cramps,
  45. migraines,
  46. multiple sclerosis,
  47. muscular dystrophy,
  48. nervous tension,
  49. obesity,
  50. osteoporosis,
  51. prostate,
  52. enlargement,
  53. sciatica,
  54. skin problems,
  55. sleep apnea,
  56. slipped disk,
  57. sterility,
  58. stiffness,
  59. stress,
  60. insomnia,
  61. intoxication,
  62. thyroid problems,
  63. kidney stones,
  64. stuttering and stammering,
  65. urinary tract disorders for women,
  66. vaginal infections and much more.