
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yoga Poses To Lose Belly Fat

Are you one of them who despair because of the belly fat? Then practicing Yoga on a regular basis can help you to find out a solution of the belly fat problem. Everyday, more and more people are willing to learn about the method of losing belly fat with the Yoga as according to the experts, as this method has become very popular and proven tool of fat reduction. If you are aware of the right postures of Yoga and the proper methods to perform, then Yoga poses can work like an wonder to reduce the tummy.
Mainly, the Yoga poses contain various kind of breathing exercises and complete set of asanas and yoga postures. The main breathing Yoga exercises contain Kapalbhati and Pranayama. These different Yoga postures helps in expanding and also contracting all the abdominal muscles of body whenever the person who is exercising sucks the air in or blows the air outside. All these processes help in strengthening the muscles of stomach and to make it flexible. Besides, the Yogic breathing exercises also assists in burning the extra calories of the body. Here at this blog, we would discuss about these two methods of Yoga which can be helpful in losing the belly fat. Take a look:

  • Pranayama: Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama is one of the types of Pranayama which offers a total abdominal exercise as well as regulates the oxygen movement inside body.

    Method: Sit on floor comfortably with folding the legs beneath. Keep the spine erect and relax. Close the eyes and the close the right nostril by pressing with right thumb. Then take a deep breath from the right nostril and hold breath for some moments. Then release the breath from the left nostril while closing left nostril by pressing with the right forefinger. Repeat the exercise for 10-20 times regularly.
  • Kapalbhati: It is another Yoga pose which helps to lose the belly fat. This Yoga pose is also helpful in the circulation of oxygen in the body and in the work out of the abdominal muscles.

    Method: Sit on the floor comfortably with folding the legs beneath. Keep the spine erect and relax. Close the eyes and swiftly blow out air of the nose while contracting your stomach inside. Deeply inhale and let the stomach expand while inhaling a deep breath. Repeat the breathing process for 10 minutes, as fast as you can.
Regular exercising of Yoga is very efficient in losing the overall weight as well as the belly fat. Some of the Yoga poses also help in increasing the BMR rate which is very effective method of increasing the process of digestion.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Benefits Of Yoga To Cure Asthma Or Asthmatics

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a kind of health condition where the lungs passages, which carries the air in and out of the lungs get inflamed. As a result, the lungs become swollen and the color changes into red. After that, the lungs start to produce phlegm or sticky mucus. So, the airways become more narrow and the patient starts to face problems in breathing. This leads to

Yoga and Asthma:

Yoga asanas and pranayama have cumulative, strengthening and corrective results on the lungs condition and to cure the problems of bronchial linings. Pranayama is helpful to purify the internal parts of the body. By practicing Pranayama and Yoga Asana regularly, one can reduce the constriction of the bronchial tubes very easily. Besides, the capacity of the bronchial tubes also get increased to a greater extent. So, by practicing Yoga and Pranayama regularly, one can control the asthma attack, and sometimes the asthma can also be cured from roots.
The air helps us to absorb things like fragrance, odor and moisture. When practicing the Yoga, the air is kept in the body for a longer period of time, it absorbs the impurities of the body and when the air is expelled from the body, it throws the inner impurities out. Moreover, when the external pressure is given, the pressure maximizes the air's inner penetration and enables the air to activate, rub and offer inner massage to the organs and body cells.

Poses which are effective to cure asthma:

Effective Yoga poses which can cure the Asthma are mentioned below along with the methods. Read along to know more.

Ekpada Uttanasana- Lie on back, keep your heels together. Put the hands by the side of your body. Then stretch on of your feet forward and loose the another leg. Breath in. Then lift up the tight leg. Hold on this position for 6-8 seconds and leave. Start this exercise with the other leg.

Yoga Mudra- Sit in the Sukhasana or in the lotus pose. Bring back both of the hands. Grab one hand's wrist with the another. Create a fist with the hand which is grabbed. Then keep the hands loose and let them rest on back. Keep the spinal cord straight. Look at the front direction while holding the head and neck straight upward. Exhale the air slowly. Start to lower the head till the forehead gets in touch with the ground. By the time, the head touches the ground, complete the exhaling. After that, breath in and hold the breath. Tighten the hands and raise those upwards. Hold on this position for 8-10 seconds and then lower down.

Tadasana- Stand straight. Turn the heels little outward and keep the weight on the toes. Let the arms hang along with the body and point the arms towards the body. Move away the pelvis from the lower back. Then breath in and breath out for a few moments with complete attention. Feel as such you have stretched your body upper wards.

Simhasana- Sit in the pose of Vajrasana with the hands resting on your thighs. Deeply breath in, then exhale the mouth wide opened and extend the tongue out. Point your eyes between the brows. Stretch the arms and then extend and spread out the fingers over the knees. Hold the position. Breath in and breath out. Exhale and leave the pose.

Another poses which are effective to cure Asthma are: Matsyasana, Sarvangasana, Savasana, and Ujjayi Pranayama.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yoga For Stress Management And Hypertension

Stress and hypertension both are the two sides of the same coin. Two of these conditions together increases the risk of the problem of high blood pressure and later it leads to stroke and heart disease by putting the heart and arteries by putting those under great strain.

In this case, one has to follow the medical advice strictly and have to change their style of living in order to stay fit. However, only taking the medicine is not an effective solution. The affected person should practice some Yoga steps daily to get cured and to relieves the abnormal rate of blood pressure.

According to the doctors and the Meditation & Yoga experts, simple steps of Yoga are very effective to cure the patients of hypertension. The Yoga poses are mentioned below:
  • Walking is known as the best process for the patients who have high blood pressure
  • Bend the body and try to touch the toe
  • Rotate the arms clockwise and anti clockwise
  • Stretch your body in both sides
  • Lie down on your back in a flat surface and lift both the legs up to certain level
  • Sit in a position by bending the body and by keeping the leg straight. Now try to touch the toes.

These are all warm up exercises, which one needs to practice on a daily basis. These are also very effective for those who don't have plenty of time for thorough exercises. Most importantly, don't forget to perform a short course of meditation for 10-15 minutes. While meditating, you can chant too. It would help to calm down your mind and therefore lead to normal blood pressure.