In these pages we find all the information to reduce lower back pain with special yoga exercises for back problems. Often times when done correctly we can heal our lower back completely. Many times all the back needs is a little regular exercise. Even just 10 minutes a day. With just a little effort and some experimentation we can find exactly how to exercise our back and reduce the pain or become pain free.
Yoga posture - Cat Flow - Cat to Cow
Cat flow is a very good yoga exercise for our spinal health. The motion creates a good flow of blood. Good blood flow in the spine is essential for transportation of nutrients and oxygen.
From the position shown opposite inhale bring the chest down and look forward. On the exhale raise the spine up and tilt the chin to the chest.
Experiment with slow Yoga breaths using sound and more rapid movements using faster breaths. Maybe do combinations of both these movements.
This pose can be done after a number of strenuous yoga postures to bring balance to the spine. If Cobra pose has been held for a long time it is ice to do the cat flow.
Inhale and exhale flowing up and down at least 5 times each time you perform the cat flow.
Placing weight on the knees without proper padding can aggravate them. Place a towel down or double fold your mat for extra padding under the knees if you find this exercise bothersome.
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