The Method:
- Sit in padmashan
- Sit straight with the back perpendicular to ground. Now bend your head forward so that chin touches the upper chest between collar bones. This is Jaaladar Bandha.
- Hold the fingers of left hand in jnana mudra. Rest the wrist on the left knee without bending the arms. Close your eyes.
- Form a fist of the right hand, open the thumb, ring finger and little finger. These will be used to close and control the breath in and out of right and left nostrils.
- Close the left nostril with the right hand ring finger and control the outlet of right nostril with right hand thumb. The nostril opening should be touched and conrolled by the right thumb.
- Exhale through the right nostril slowly and completely. The passage of air should be felt only upto the right palm. You should not force the air out hard.
- Now start inhaling in a slow and steady manner through the right nostril and completely fill in the lungs. The opening of right nostril would be controlled by right thumb. The left nostril is completely closed by the right hand ring finger and little finger.
- Once the lungs are full, close the right nostril using thumb. Release the ring and little finger so that left nostril is opened. Start Exhaling slowly and steadily till the lungs are emptied. Make sure you are not forcing out the air hard, it should be slow and steady. The time take to inhale should be the time taken to exhale.
- One pair inhalation through right nostril and exahalation through left nostril, Completes this pranayama. You could inhale using the same nostrils you have exhaled after each cycle so that there is no stain on heart or breathlessness.
- Repeat the cycle for 6 to 8 times.