
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yoga For Stress Management And Hypertension

Stress and hypertension both are the two sides of the same coin. Two of these conditions together increases the risk of the problem of high blood pressure and later it leads to stroke and heart disease by putting the heart and arteries by putting those under great strain.

In this case, one has to follow the medical advice strictly and have to change their style of living in order to stay fit. However, only taking the medicine is not an effective solution. The affected person should practice some Yoga steps daily to get cured and to relieves the abnormal rate of blood pressure.

According to the doctors and the Meditation & Yoga experts, simple steps of Yoga are very effective to cure the patients of hypertension. The Yoga poses are mentioned below:
  • Walking is known as the best process for the patients who have high blood pressure
  • Bend the body and try to touch the toe
  • Rotate the arms clockwise and anti clockwise
  • Stretch your body in both sides
  • Lie down on your back in a flat surface and lift both the legs up to certain level
  • Sit in a position by bending the body and by keeping the leg straight. Now try to touch the toes.

These are all warm up exercises, which one needs to practice on a daily basis. These are also very effective for those who don't have plenty of time for thorough exercises. Most importantly, don't forget to perform a short course of meditation for 10-15 minutes. While meditating, you can chant too. It would help to calm down your mind and therefore lead to normal blood pressure.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Yoga Poses To Cure Cold

Cold is very disturbing affliction which bothers us every time. As the corona and rhino viruses which cause the cold are spread everywhere, so it is tough for anyone to get immunized against the viruses. People can get the viruses from another person who is sneezing nearby, or by eating any unhygienic food from the roadside stall, or by taking any food from some one's hand, who is suffering from cold.
The symptoms of cold always vary-some of the symptoms come with allergies like cough, runny nose and watery eyes. But in some cases, the symptoms can be more severe like high fever, fatigue and body ache.
Medicines and antibiotics are known as the effective medicine to cure the cold. But these therapies are associated with many side effects. So, it is better not to take the antibiotics all the time. Yoga has proved to be an effective way to combat cold, and there is no side effect too. There are many pranayams and asanas, which can reverse the health problems by boosting up the immune system of one's body and by controlling the cold symptoms.

The asanas which are effective to combat the effects of cold are mentioned below:

  • Bhastrika Asana- It is one of the most popular pose of asanas to brush off the effects of cold. Bhastrika Asana is mainly a breathing exercise. This pose helps in increasing the intake capacity of oxygen in the body.

    Method of this pose: 
    Take a deep breath and keep the air in for 30 seconds. Then exhale the air through your nostrils. Repeat the asana for 5-10 minutes daily. The asthama patients should not hold the air for more than 20 seconds.

    Benefit of Bhastrika Asana- It oxygenates the body, it cures asthma and lung infection, It energizes the body, Removes toxins from the body, It improves the body’s immunity system.   

  • Sarvanga Asana- This pose is also known as the Yoga shoulder stand and it is one of the best poses to cure health problems.

Method of this pose:

Relax and lie on back with hands by your side and feet together. Breath in and breath out. Then lift your legs slowly to upwards. Lift as much so that your trunk and hips also lift. Support your body with your elbows. After that, lift your feet upwards without any swing. Hold the pose for 10 breaths. Take off the hands and return it to the normal position. Exhale the breath while lowering the body. Do this asana regularly for effective results.

Benefit of Sarvanga Asana- 

Improves flow of blood to the brain.
Stimulates the thyroid gland and keeps it in healthy condition, which results in healthy functioning of all organs of the body.
Bhastrika relieves inflammation of the throat.
Tones up the nervous and reproductive systems.
Adjusts improper body growth. Brings relief from congestion in the abdominal and pelvic regions. Helps cure ailments like constipation, dyspepsia, headache, etc. Keeps the vertebral column in an elastic and pliable condition. A verts calcification of body parts and thereby youth is preserved for longer time. Improves functioning of chords and thereby improves the voice of singers. Aids in awakening Kundalini Shakti. All parts of the body are exercised, energised and activated. Removes respiratory defects in the lungs through internal activation. Gives asthma patients relief. Energies all sex glands and thereby improves sexual activity in both males and females. Ensures great relief from functional disorders of the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Cures appendicitis, gastrointestinal disorders and varicose veins. The face receives extra supply of blood, especially over the forehead and the scalp and thereby helps prevent lines and wrinkles in the face. This preserves the youthful look in both men and women. This Asana has medicinal value for curing impotence, frigidity, lack of sexual power and various other defects of the sexual organs.
The heart gets rest as long as you remain in this Asana. This insures one against all heart troubles. For women, this Asana banishes the ever-present menace of irritation and catarrh of the uterus. Improves mental faculty considerably.

  • Shava Asana- This pose is also known as the Corpose pose or Relaxation pose. It is very effective to combat cough and cold.
Method of this pose:
Lie down straight on a plain surface on the back. Then start concentrating on each body part to relax the body completely. Start from the toes. This way, your breathing process will also calm down. Relax for 10-15 minutes and then leave the pose.

Benefits of these poses:

  • The poses keep the body oxygenated
  • The poses keep the body energized
  • Improve the immunity system of the body
  • Cure lung infection and asthma
  • Remove toxins from body

Another popular poses of Yoga to cure cold and cough are Dhanur Asana, Yogamudra, Pratipaksha and the Yoga Cat pose. Yoga poses are very effective for those people who find it tough to get time for exercising within their busy schedule. To perform the yoga exercises to keep the body fit and healthy, only takes 10-15 minutes of time daily.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Yoga To Cure Arthritis

Are you having constant pain on the back? Does it feel stiff sometime? Or are you having severe pains in the wrists and knee joints? Then may be you are suffering from arthritis.
Arthritis is a kind of disease, which results in swelling or inflammation of the body joints. It is one of the most common diseases in the world. According to many people, arthritis only occurs to the aged people. But age is not a bar to this disease. Even teenagers, children and young adults can also get affected by this disease.
When the condition of the soft tissues which cover and protect the joints deteriorate, it leads to arthritis. As a result, the bones of the patient rub with one another and results in severe pain.
Arthritis can be cured by practicing Yoga. Yoga poses help to strengthen the joints and therefore results in dealing with and preventing arthritis. It also helps the joints to function normally and decrease the risk of being stiff.
Read along the article to know more about the Yoga poses which help to deal with arthritis.
  • Sukhasana or the easy pose: It is one of the traditional pose of meditation. This pose helps to slow down the metabolism rate, straighten the spine and to promote the inner tranquility.


    Sit down on the floor or a Yoga Mat.
    Cross your legs, placing your feet below your knees.
    Clasp your hands around your knees.
    Keep your head and body straight.

  • Shoulder stretches: This pose is great to relive the tension and stress on the shoulders.

    Reach your arm across your chest with your upper arm close to your collar bone.
    Take your other hand and grab the crossed arm's elbow.
    Pull your arm closer to your body and stretch your shoulder.
    Now do the other shoulder.
    Repeat a couple of times.

  • Wrist bending: Wrists are badly affected by arthritis, and specially by Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. Through wrist bending and stretching of wrists, the situation can be improved.

    Remain in the Sukhasana or comfortable cross-legged pose.
    Get conscious of your entire body.
    Keep your spinal chord and the neck Straight.
    Keep your eyes open.
    Out stretch your hands to the shoulder level.
    We have to move the hand from wrist joint upward and downward.
    Inhale deep and raise your hand upward from the wrist joint with fingers sticking together.
    Bend the wrist in such a way that all the fingers point to the ceiling while the palm back remains visible.
    Exhale when moving the palm downward from the wrist joint.
    The fingers should remain erect and straight.
    Repeat this exercise ten times with alternate hands.
    After the exercise is over, relax and place both the hands back on the knees.
    Keep your eyes closed and concentrate on the wrist joints.
    Feel the stretching sensation of forearm muscles.
    Open your eyes after a while and get ready for the next set of exercise.

  • Ankle rotation: Ankle rotation is helpful to avoid tendon or muscle strain. It makes the ankles more flexible.

    Get yourself in the primary position.
    Set the legs little apart and straight.
    Rotate your feet clockwise and anti-clockwise, with the heels touching the floor.
    Concentrate on your ankle movement whether they are moving in a correct direction or not.
    Rotate your foot simultaneously or alternatively if you are not able to do it simultaneously.
    Remain attentive of the ankles.
    Breath easy and natural.
    Practice this for ten times thereafter place the legs together.
    Rotate both your ankles ten times at first clockwise and then anti-clockwise.
    Keep the toes together.
    Do not allow the knees to be stirred.
    Keep your body straight and erect.
    Perform this also with closed eyes.
    Remain attentive of your breathing pattern.
    Open your eyes and get ready for the next set of practice.
  • Hand Clenching: hand clenching is very good for for those people who have arthritis or Osteoarthritis.

          Sit in Sukhasana or comfortable cross-legged pose.
          Keep your spinal chord and neck straight.
          Keeping your eyes open.
          Stretch both the hands forward at shoulder level..
          Keep the elbows straight.
          Now stretch out the fingers wide apart.

         Inhale deep and form a clenched fist with the thumb inside.
         Exhale and stretch out the fingers.
         This is the first cycle of practice.
         Repeat this ten times with both hands.
         Perform this with closed eyes.
         Remain fully focused on the fingers of your hand.

Put the hands back on the thigh when the exercise is over.
There are also many other Yoga poses which will help you to deal with arthritis and other health problems. So, what are you waiting for? Go and give a try.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prenatal Yoga-Yoga During Pregnancy

It is a common problem of many women that they lose their fitness while being pregnant and put on loads of weight. The common reason of this weight gain is that the change of eating habits and lack of exercise. According to many, exercising during pregnancy can be harmful for the baby. But a major group of doctors have proved that exercising yoga during pregnancy boosts up the body and mind of the would be mother and helps the mother to make her journey of pregnancy smooth and hassle-free.
What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient part of Indian exercise and it tackles the well being of the total body and mind of a person. Yoga consists of several asanas which help a person to relieve from the stresses and to become more centered as well as tones his/her body.

How does Yoga helps in pregnancy?

The habit of exercising Yoga plays a great role during pregnancy. Yoga can help the women by reducing their discomforts during pregnancy. It also helps in the delivery and post delivery stages and make the would be mothers healthier from both body and mind. Yoga makes their body more flexible which helps to adopt them in various positions during the labor. The ligaments increase their elasticity, thus result in less labor pain..

Besides, Yoga helps in the fluid retention and boosts the circulation. The stretching exercises reduces the pains and aches.
Another benefits of prenatal Yoga is that it helps to improve the posture of the would be mothers, encourages the body and breath awareness, teaches the women to adapt new situations. It also eases the back problems which happen during pregnancy. It is proved that the women who exercise Yoga during their pregnancy and after giving birth to the baby, come back in shape faster than their counter parts.

How to practice Yoga?
To practice Yoga, you can join a Yoga class to learn the different poses under an expert's supervision. But in case if you are familiar with the Yoga poses, you can practice it at home. You can also follow the guidelines mentioned in the popular Yoga videos and books.

Poses that are good for the would be mothers:

There are some Yoga poses which are beneficial for the pregnant women. These poses include:
  • Butterfly stretch
  • Cobra
  • Cat-Cow
  • Seated forward bend
  • Standing forward bend
  • Side angle pose
  • Triangle pose

Safety guidelines an would be mother should follow while practicing Yoga:

Practicing Yoga is more or less like practicing exercise. So, if you are new in this field, start in a slow pace and with light exercises. Consult with your doctor to learn which poses are better for you to start practicing Yoga. While practicing, if you feel uncomfortable in any pose, left that pose there. Avoid poses like:

  • Back bends
  • Camel
  • Balancing poses on one leg
  • Head and hand stands
  • Upward bow 
You also need to remember some other factors while doing the Yoga. These are:
  • After the first trimester, avoid any asanas which needs to do on your back It decrease the level of blood flow to the uterus.
  • From the second trimester of your pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts. In this time, to stay away from losing balance, always take the support of a wall or a chair while performing any standing Yoga pose.
  • Stay far away from any kind of “hot” yoga poses. It can stop the growth of the fetus
  • Avoid the poses that stretches your muscles, specially the abdominal muscles. It also increases the risk of getting muscle pulls or strains or any other kind of injury.
Practicing Yoga reduces the nausea or any type of pain in the body and it relaxes the muscles. But if you are feeling any kind of pain after practicing Yoga, stop exercising and contact with your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Yoga has potential to cure many ailments of computer professionals. IT and IT enabled service professionals are primarily sitting in front of computers and spending 10-12 hours in a day at the monitors. This is the prime most reason that work related stress and body ailments are registering rapid increase. Most of the It professional suffering from chronic or recurring back pain. Research studies have suggested that yoga is one of the best activities for alleviating back pain. All yoga positions will not reduce back pain. In fact, some yoga positions may even intensify the existing pain. So it is very essential to recognize which yoga positions will be most successful in easing back pain. If possible, consult with a yoga professional for guidance and advice. Given some yoga positions here to solve that problem .

A. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose):-

1. From Knees, Chest, and Chin position, release the tops of the feet to the floor and press them down.
2. Slide your chest forward and up keeping your hands exactly where the were.
3. Roll your shoulders back and lift the chest higher, while keeping the low ribs on the floor.
4. Keep your neck neutral, don’t crank it back.

Benefits of bhujangasana :-

1. The arching of the spine increases flexibility and strength
2. Rejuvenates spinal nerves enriching them with a rich blood supply
3. Improves flexibility and tone of spinal muscles, massages, works and tones back muscles
4. Helps relieve and prevent lower backache
5. Helps cure or relieve lumbago, rheumatism, arthritis and menstrual problems
6. Helps cure loss of appetite
7. Stretches the thoracic region and expands the rib cage bringing relief from asthma
8. Gentle pressure on the abdomen massages all organs and improves their function
9. Strengthens deltoids, trapezius and triceps
10. Compresses and opens spine
11. Relieves cervical spondylosis
12. Improves concentration
13. Helps to relieve many uteri-ovarian and menstrual problems

Don’t try this asana if you are suffering from high blood pressure, hernia, or peptic ulcer.
Don’t practice Bhujangasana during pregnancy!
The novices may not be able to do this asana at the first go. Proceed slowly and over several attempts.

B. Sarvangasna (shoulder’s stand):-

1. Lie down flat on the floor, on your back, palms by your side facing
2. Exhale and lift your legs up 30, then 60, then 90 and then around 130 degrees so they are extended behind your head.
3. Stay in this position, breathing normally, for a few seconds.
4. Now, gradually, exhale again, and straighten your legs up to 90 degrees, lifting your buttocks as well. Support the back of your trunk with your palms, keeping elbows on the floor. Gradually, walk your hands towards your shoulder blades, as you lift your body higher.
5. Look at the picture for guidance.
6. Your elbows may tend to move outwards. Bring them in, so they are straight in line with your shoulders.
7. You will notice that your hips tend to jut out backwards, while your feet tend to come forward over the head. This is not the right way to do it. Work at it so your body is in a straight line. Your hips, feet and shoulders should be aligned, so push your feet back and bring your hips and tailbone forward. Remember, this exercise is not as much about effort as it is about balance.
8. Lift your body as high up as possible. Sarvangasana is a shoulder stand, so your body should be resting on your shoulders and not on your back.
9. Hold this position for as long as possible.
10. Remember to exhale while lifting your body up, but once your body is up, you can breathe normally. There is no need to hold your breath.
11. Time yourself, so you can see how long you can remain in this position. The next time, try and balance your body for a little longer.

Benefits of Sarvangasna :-

1. Sarvangasana improves the function of the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands due to the increase oxygen and blood. All of the other endocrine glands are regulated by the pituitary gland and so the overall function of the endocrine system is improved. This results in the improved functioning of all other systems of the body and the reduction of emotional and mental stress .
2. Stagnant blood from the lower regions of the body, i.e. legs and abdomen is drained to the heart thereby improving the supply of fresh blood to these parts and the whole circulatory system. Blood supply to the head area i.e. brain, eyes, ears, nose and throat is improved thereby improving their functioning. Therefore all of the pelvic and abdominal area circulation, ear, throat and nose ailments are improved.
3. The lung capacity is increased as the diaphragm, which is the muscle of respiration, has to work against gravity in this posture, this helps in the abdominal respiration and is therefore helpful in the treatment of asthma. Toxins in the respiratory system are drained thereby improving the respiratory system.
Prevents and cures varicose veins.
4. Detoxification of the body due to improved efficiency of the organs of the body which leads to youthfulness and anti-ageing effects
5. Normalizes body weight due to its effect on the thyroid.
6. Due to the effect this asana has on the hormonal system, particularly the thyroid, it balances the circulatory, digestive, reproductive and nervous system.
7. Due to the increased blood flow to the head the mind is tranquilized, stress and psychological disturbances are removed.
8. The increased blood flow can be beneficial for those who suffer from headaches, though it should not be practiced at the time of headache.
9. The thymus gland is stimulated which boosts the immune system.
It balances the parathyroid glands which ensures regeneration and normal development of the bones.
10. It releases the normal gravitational pressure from the anus muscles which helps with haemorrhoids.
11. The nerves passing through the neck are toned and the neck flexibility is increased.
12. The digestive system is greatly improved due to the increase in blood circulation and drainage of stagnant blood.
13. The pranic flow is harmonized, increasing energy and having a positive effect on all the body systems.
14. Sarvangasana has all the benefits of Shirshasana but is safer and easier to perform.

Should not be performed by people suffering from high blood pressure, heart conditions or brain diseases.
Should be avoided during menstruation and pregnancy.
Should be avoided if suffering from a very enlarged thyroid, enlarged spleen or liver as well as cervical spondylitis, slipped disc, headache and weak blood vessels in the eyes.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Yoga For Back Pain - Back Exercises -Yoga posture - Cat Flow - Cat to Cow

In these pages we find all the information to reduce lower back pain with special yoga exercises for back problems. Often times when done correctly we can heal our lower back completely. Many times all the back needs is a little regular exercise. Even just 10 minutes a day. With just a little effort and some experimentation we can find exactly how to exercise our back and reduce the pain or become pain free. 

Yoga posture - Cat Flow - Cat to Cow

Cat flow is a very good yoga exercise for our spinal health. The motion creates a good flow of blood. Good blood flow in the spine is essential for transportation of nutrients and oxygen.

From the position shown opposite inhale bring the chest down and look forward. On the exhale raise the spine up and tilt the chin to the chest.

Experiment with slow Yoga breaths using sound and more rapid movements using faster breaths. Maybe do combinations of both these movements.

This pose can be done after a number of strenuous yoga postures to bring balance to the spine. If Cobra pose has been held for a long time it is ice to do the cat flow. 

Inhale and exhale flowing up and down at least 5 times each time you perform the cat flow. 

Placing weight on the knees without proper padding can aggravate them. Place a towel down or double fold your mat for extra padding under the knees if you find this exercise bothersome.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

yoga help to loose body weight

If we practice yoga regularly then we can get innumerable health benefits. Yoga is an efficient way to get relief from stress and it’s also beneficial to stabilize our mind. Yoga is an important key of healthy life. Yoga is full of positive energy which helps us to keep our body and mind in our control. If we are continue to involve himself in yoga, we will automatically notice the positive changes that it brings in our body. If we want to lose our weight Yoga help us to do it perfectly and smoothly without any side effect.

Some yoga postures and types which can prove beneficial to lose weight. Take help of a good yoga practitioner to teach these, proper training  and right way to practice  will help us to avoid injuries while practicing yoga and it’s very fruitful for health.  

There are some yoga techniques that can help to lose weight.

Sit on the floor with legs stretched legs straight and palms on the floor by the sides of the hips. Deeply inhale and while exhaling bend forward and hold the big toes by corresponding hands, and keep the face on the knees. Take a few normal breaths. now, inhale come up, release the hands and be in normal sitting posture.


    * Tones up the abdominal organs and keeps them free from sluggishness
    * Tones the kidney, rejenuates the spine
    * Improves digestion
    * Decreases excess weight around the belly
    * Due to extra stretch given to the pelvic region more oxygenated blood is supplied
       and the gonads receive sufficient nutrition
    * This helps to cure impotency and is also useful for sex control
    * Helps in spiritual attainment
    * Tones the nerves supplying the pelvic organs and arising from the lumber sacral region of the spine


* People suffering from slip disc should not practice this asana
* People suffering from severe back ache should not practice this during pregnancy and menstruation

Stand erectly joining the toes, and hands on either side of the body. Vision should be forward. Inhaling , spread the right leg to the right side and simultaneously spread the hands to both sides, along the height of the shoulders. As you exhale, bend towards the right and hold the big toe of right leg by three fingers of the right hand. Look at the left palm and breathe for a few times. Now, inhale , come up keep the hands on respective sides and look forward. Repeat the same process on your left side.


    * This asana tones the entire nervous system, specially the spinal nerves
    * It systematically revitalizes the whole body
    * It improves digestion, stimulating the appetite
    * Activates intestinal peristalsis
    * Strengthens the pelvic area and tones reproductory organs
    * Regular practice decreases intestinal fat
    * Practice of this asana improves stiffness of legs
    * Cures constipation
    * Corrects minor deformities of joints of legs
    * Relieve from backache and neck sprain
    * Strengthens the ankle and leg muscles


    * People with stiff muscles should take adequate precautions while performing this asana

  Start standing in Tadasana (straight in upright position), with feet together or hip distance apart. You may bend your legs slightly if your muscles or your spine are really tight. Now inhale and raise your arms forward parallel and up to line alongside your ears, with fingers pointing up and palms facing in. Exhale and bend from your hips, stretching arms and torso forward to a tabletop position, arms in line with your ears. Hold for two or three breaths before stretching downward on an exhalation. Keep arms alongside your ears and keep spine extended as much as possible. Place your hands wherever you can reach on   your legs; if your can, take hold of your ankles or place hands on the ground. Hold in this position for two or three breaths. On an exhalation, draw your head in toward your legs, using your arms to assist you as your elbows open out to the sides and your spine rounds over legs. Hold, and then reverse your path taken into the pose, pausing for one breath at each stage of the forward bend. If you want to do the dynamic version of this pose, on an inhalation immediately reverse the path followed into the posture.


* Uttanasana is stretching pose that provides exercise to legs, hips, thighs, and spine
    as well. It  stimulates the liver and kidneys and Improves digestion.
* It also calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression, reduce fatigue
    and anxiety. It helps women to relieve the symptoms of menopause.
* It is effective in various disorders like; asthma, high blood pressure, infertility,
   Osteoporosis and sinusitis.


If you have back injury do this pose with some modifications like you can bend your knees, or rest your hands on the wall, legs perpendicular to your torso, and arms parallel to the floor.


The first step would be to lie flat on the back. Then, with the help of your hands, lift your legs up into air. The position of the hands should be such that it should be on the lower back. Make sure that your elbows and lower arms rest on the ground. The weight of your body should be on your shoulders and from mid to upper back, but not on the neck. Once you have attained the desired posture, hold at the posture and breath deeply for 5 to 10 minutes. Increase the duration of holding the posture, gradually, over time. At the time of coming down, slowly lower your legs. In the process, do not forget to keep them straight. This would mean a little workout for your abdominal muscles as well. Make sure that in the process of doing the asana you face no jerks. For the beginners, it is not possible to attain the correct posture, as the abdominal muscles are not strong enough. In that case, the best bet would be to allow the legs to come forward towards the face. To attain best results, performing Matsyasana immediately after it.

    * Helps in proper thyroid functioning
    * Strengthening of abdomen
    * Stretches upper back
    * Increases blood circulation
    * Encourages relaxation
    * Accentuates the flow of blood and energy to the brain
    * Stimulates mental functions
    * Enhances memory and concentration
    * Relieve from some headaches
    * Cures dyspepsia, constipation, appendicitis, other gastro-intestinal disorders and
    * Supplies large quantity of blood to the spinal roots of the nerves
    * Stops loss of hair or premature graying
    * Enhances facial complexion
    * Helps alleviate rheumatism
    * Cures malfunctioning of the sexual organs
    * Sublimes emotions of depression and neurasthenia
    * Treats problems of insomnia


There are some specific requirements for an aspirant to perform Ardha Sarvangasana. He/she should be in the best of health, before trying the asana. People suffering from cervical spondylitis, low back pain, inflammation of the throat, blocked sinuses and high blood pressure should not perform the asana. Also, people with heavy hips should not attempt the asana, as the entire weight of the body is borne by the shoulder blade.


Stand straight and balance your body weight on both your legs properly. Now, give mountain pose to both your feet together and hands at the side. Try keep your feet your feet 4 feet apart. Balance your body properly Now turn your right foot about 45 degrees to the left. Hold on this position. Then try to rotate your left foot 90 degrees to the left, so that it is positioned directly to the side. Now try to bend your left knee until your thigh becomes parallel to the ground Make sure you keep your knee either behind or directly over the ankle. Hold and balance yourself at this posture. Now gradually raise your arms over your head After you have both your hands straight upwards, gradually pull down your left arm and bring it parallel to the ears and pointing ahead. Make sure while your left hand is pointing forward, your right hand takes a posture aiming back. Now develop your focus on a particular point in front of you and breathe gradually. Take approximately 5 deep breaths at this position. Gradually bring your hands and legs to the normal position. Repeat few times.

    *  Virabhadrasana brings flexibility to the entire body.
    * It helps in strengthening the lower torso and stimulates abdominal organs.
    * It also teaches your body balancing and coordination of body parts.
    * It also improves circulation and respiration process in the body.
    * Virabhadrasana is also good for improving concentration.
    * It also improves posture and energizes the entire body.
    * It is beneficial in carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and
* Virabhadrasana is known to increase stamina.

Avoid Virabhadrasana if you had a recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees, back or shoulders. Patients of hypertension should also not perform this Asana. Do not perform Virabhadrasana if you are suffering from diarrhea. People with spondylitis and slip disc should also not perform Virabhadrasana.