Are you one of them who despair because of the belly fat? Then practicing Yoga on a regular basis can help you to find out a solution of the belly fat problem. Everyday, more and more people are willing to learn about the method of losing belly fat with the Yoga as according to the experts, as this method has become very popular and proven tool of fat reduction. If you are aware of the right postures of Yoga and the proper methods to perform, then Yoga poses can work like an wonder to reduce the tummy.
Mainly, the Yoga poses contain various kind of breathing exercises and complete set of asanas and yoga postures. The main breathing Yoga exercises contain Kapalbhati and Pranayama. These different Yoga postures helps in expanding and also contracting all the abdominal muscles of body whenever the person who is exercising sucks the air in or blows the air outside. All these processes help in strengthening the muscles of stomach and to make it flexible. Besides, the Yogic breathing exercises also assists in burning the extra calories of the body. Here at this blog, we would discuss about these two methods of Yoga which can be helpful in losing the belly fat. Take a look:
- Pranayama: Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama is one of the types of Pranayama which offers a total abdominal exercise as well as regulates the oxygen movement inside body.
Method: Sit on floor comfortably with folding the legs beneath. Keep the spine erect and relax. Close the eyes and the close the right nostril by pressing with right thumb. Then take a deep breath from the right nostril and hold breath for some moments. Then release the breath from the left nostril while closing left nostril by pressing with the right forefinger. Repeat the exercise for 10-20 times regularly. - Kapalbhati: It is another Yoga pose which helps to lose the belly fat. This Yoga pose is also helpful in the circulation of oxygen in the body and in the work out of the abdominal muscles.
Method: Sit on the floor comfortably with folding the legs beneath. Keep the spine erect and relax. Close the eyes and swiftly blow out air of the nose while contracting your stomach inside. Deeply inhale and let the stomach expand while inhaling a deep breath. Repeat the breathing process for 10 minutes, as fast as you can.
Regular exercising of Yoga is very efficient in losing the overall weight as well as the belly fat. Some of the Yoga poses also help in increasing the BMR rate which is very effective method of increasing the process of digestion.