
Monday, February 9, 2009

Everyday if we practice Yoga, it help us to cure from or protect from
  1. acidity ,
  2. allergies,
  3. alzheimer disease,
  4. anemia,
  5. anger,
  6. anxiety,
  7. arthritis,
  8. asthma,
  9. back pain,
  10. bronchitis,
  11. cancer,
  12. nervous tension,
  13. obesity,
  14. osteoporosis,
  15. prostate,
  16. enlargement,
  17. sciatica,
  18. skin problems,
  19. sleep apnea,
  20. slipped disk,
  21. sterility,
  22. stiffness,
  23. stress,
  24. insomnia carpal tunnel syndrome,
  25. chronic fatigue,
  26. colitis,
  27. common cold,
  28. constipation,
  29. depression,
  30. diabetes,
  31. epilepsy,
  32. eye problems,
  33. facial wrinkles,
  34. gastrointestinal disorders,
  35. headaches,
  36. heartburn,
  37. hemorrhoids,
  38. hepatitis,
  39. high blood pressure,
  40. hypertension,
  41. immune-deficiency,
  42. impotence,
  43. menopause,
  44. menstrual cramps,
  45. migraines,
  46. multiple sclerosis,
  47. muscular dystrophy,
  48. nervous tension,
  49. obesity,
  50. osteoporosis,
  51. prostate,
  52. enlargement,
  53. sciatica,
  54. skin problems,
  55. sleep apnea,
  56. slipped disk,
  57. sterility,
  58. stiffness,
  59. stress,
  60. insomnia,
  61. intoxication,
  62. thyroid problems,
  63. kidney stones,
  64. stuttering and stammering,
  65. urinary tract disorders for women,
  66. vaginal infections and much more.